Advance Flow type: Table of Contents

I'Boss Potiwarakorn
1 min readJan 23, 2018


The main goal of this series is to discuss about how to make Flow more being more cooperative with you, catch more bugs, helps you being more confident and productive. Some topic might be general enough to be applicable to other type system as well.

I might also mention a bit about some academic sounding stuffs as well just to wet your appetite and have clearer picture of why things work the way it is and why something being named in a particular way, but I will put them in context as much as possible.

Here is the list of the topics:

  1. Exhaustive checking with empty type
  2. Determining return type by argument(s)

and more to come…

Follow me on twitter @ibossptk



I'Boss Potiwarakorn

CTO @ █████; EX-ThoughtWorker; FP, Math, Stats, Blockchain & Human Enthusiast